2024-2025 Supply Lists
- Kindergarten School Supply Lists
- Grade 1 School Supply Lists
- Grade 2 School Supply Lists
- Grade 3 School Supply Lists
- Grade 4 School Supply Lists
- Grade 5 School Supply Lists
Kindergarten School Supply Lists
Kindergarten Supply List
Welcome to Barnard Kindergarten! The majority of the supplies we will be using in our classroom will be provided. However, there are many items we will need throughout the year for our classroom community. Please send one of each of the following items for sharing:
- Box of Kleenex
- Hand sanitizer
- Clorox wipes
- Pack of fine tip markers
- Play-Doh (5 oz)
- Pack of Expo dry erase markers
- Ziploc bags gallon size
- Colored Pencils
- Headphones for your child’s iPad (Please write your child’s name on them. Please make sure they have wires to plug in to our iPads-No wireless, Bluetooth or earbuds.)
- Yoga mat (For quiet time. Please write your child’s name on it.)
- Healthy snack item* (to share with classmates if children forget snack)
Box of Kleenex
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
Pack of regular (thick) markers
Play-Doh (5 oz)
Pack of fine tip Expo dry erase markers (thin)
Ziploc bags sandwich size
Headphones for your child’s iPad. Please write your child’s name on them. Please make sure they have wires to plug in to our iPads- No wireless, Bluetooth or earbuds.
Yoga mat (For quiet time. Please write your child’s name on it.)
Healthy snack item* (to share with classmates if children forget snack)
Bags of goldfish, pretzels, fruit snacks, graham crackers, snack bars,
teddy grahams, etc. (No cookies or sweets please).
teddy grahams, etc. (No cookies or sweets please).
- Please bring your child's supplies to our Kindergarten Meet & Greet in August (see additional emails for day and time).
- Yoga Mat Specs: Thin mats only. No thick mats. We have limited space to store these in the classroom.
Grade 1 School Supply Lists
First Grade Supply List
Welcome to first grade! We are very excited about the many learning experiences we will be sharing with your child this year. This is an important year which will involve learning to read, developing math skills, getting along with others and much, much more! We look forward to working with each of you to ensure a successful year in your child’s education. For the 2024-2025 school year, we ask that each child bring in the following items:
1. Headphones for iPad
2. $12 cash payment for a class shirt
3. Slippers
- Mrs. Tout’s Classroom Supply List
- Ms. Waldron’s Classroom Supply List
- Mrs. Siver’s Classroom Supply List
We are looking forward to a great year of learning!
1st Grade Teachers
1st Grade Teachers
Grade 2 School Supply Lists
Suggested 2nd Grade School Supplies
We love donations. Below is a list of suggested items that your child will need this year. We greatly appreciate any item(s) that you can donate!
- 2-3 Kleenex boxes
- 4 Thin expo markers
- 2-3 Clorox Wipes
- 1 inch view binder (white)
- 1 black and white composition notebook
- Headphones -(no wireless headphones or earbuds) (in a Ziploc bag labeled with childs name).
- Pencil box
- Markers (thick or thin)
- 2-4 glue sticks
- Scissors
Boys Bring:
- Paper towel roll
Girls Bring:
- 1 foamy hand soap
Grade 3 School Supply Lists
Third Grade Supply List
- One Pack of Expo Markers
- One Pack of Colored Pencils
- One box of Crayola Markers – 10 pack broadline tip
- One Clorox Wipes
- 1 Black and White Composition Notebook
- Wired Headphones
- 3 Black Felt Tip Flair Markers
- 2 Colored Pens
- 2 Boxes of Tissue
- Pencil Box to Store Your Supplies
- 1- 8 oz. or larger Pump Hand sanitizer
- 2 – 1 Subject Spiral Notebooks
- Sharpened Pencils
- Personal-Size Pencil Sharpener
- 1 Ruler
- 2 Glue Sticks
Grade 4 School Supply Lists
Fourth Grade Supply List
All of the supplies that you must have will be provided for you. However, here is a list of recommended items to help you be most successful in 4th grade.
- 1 or 2 chapter books to help you jump into 4th grade reading
- Black and white composition book
- 2 one subject WIDE RULED notebooks (approx. 80 pages each)
- 1-2 boxes of Kleenex
- 2 containers of Clorox wipes
- Headphones or earbuds (required, no wireless)
- Stylus- OPTIONAL (click for examples) Example 1 Example 2
- One pencil box or zippered pouch needed to hold the following supplies:
- 12 pencils
- 2-3 red pens (Mrs. Simon’s class only)
- Several black Flair felt tip markers
- Set of colored pencils (24 count or less)
- Small pencil sharpener – needed for colored pencils
- Set of Thin Markers
- 2-3 Yellow Highlighters
- 3-5 dark colored dry erase markers
- Scissors – regular adult size with pointed tips
Grade 5 School Supply Lists
Fifth Grade Supply List
- Scissors
- Pencils
- 2 composition notebooks
- 2 Glue sticks
- Clorox wipes
- Kleenex
- Headset/ earbuds with microphone preferably not Bluetooth
- Pencil box
- Expo markers (any color and any
- amount- we go through these quickly)
- Bluetooth digital stylus is not required
- but strongly recommended
- Reusable cup for hot chocolate
** We will be sending out a sign-up genius for community items in the fall that we will share as a class**